This is AppServ 8.1.0 for Windows

AppServ is an merging open source software installer package for Windows and Linux.
AppServ features the latest version of all included pacakges, 
user defined configuration during installation, PHP as a module, PEAR, and the Zend Opt

   - Apache Web Server Version 2.4.18
   - PHP Script Language Version 5.6.18
   - MySQL Database Version 5.7.10
   - phpMyAdmin Database Manager Version

More information about AppServ can be found at :
Author : Phanupong Panyadee
Country : Thailand

::: Starting Services :::
1. Start Apache Web Server goto Start --> Programs --> AppServ --> Apache Control Server --> Start
2. Start MySQL Database goto  Start --> Programs --> AppServ --> WinMySQLAdmin
3. Go to your (http://localhost) 
4. Your web page files store in C:\AppServ\www\
5. PHPNuke Admin go to Login : God Password: Password
6. phpBB2 Forum Login to Admin go to  http://localhost/_LPHPBB/login.php Login : God Password: Password
7. phpMyAdmin Configure go to C:\AppServ\www\phpMyAdmin\config.php
8. Store your webpage file in C:\AppServ\www\
9. Store your Perl CGI file in C:\AppServ\www\

::: Stop Services :::
1. Stop Apache Web Server goto Start --> Programs --> AppServ --> Apache Control Server --> Stop
2. Stop MySQL Database goto  Start --> Programs --> AppServ --> WinMySQLAdmin 
	- Press "Stop Extended Server Status" on the bottom left .
	- Right Click --> Stop Service
	- Right Click --> Shut down this tool
	- Wait for 5 Second

1. REMEBER REMBERBER Please Stop Apache and MySQL Services for the first time
2. Remove it !

AppServ is copyrighted by its authors and licensed under terms of the
GNU Lesser Public License (LGPL) - see file COPYING for details.